International Scientific Working Group for Animal Forensic Sciences (ISWG-AFS)


As a social response to the demand for professionals trained to face the multiplicity of criminal and civil crimes committed against and involving different animal species, the field of veterinary and animal forensic science continues to grow exponentially. The development of this specialty has been established for several decades, thanks to the contribution of professionals from various areas of knowledge.



The mission of ISWG-AFS is to create both a virtual and presential meeting point between current and future professionals committed to serving the public by advancing the ethical and professional practice of forensic animal sciences and by serving the jurisprudence system.



To generate interdisciplinary spaces for meeting, work, and professional development in the animal forensic discipline in an open, responsible, committed, pluralistic, respectful manner and based on high ethical and moral standards on the part of its followers. It will generate new contact networks and strengthen existing ties.

Our vision is to become a lead organization for practitioners of forensic veterinary science within legal processes, worldwide working organized and in close relationship with recognized associations such as The International Society for Animal Forensic Sciences (ISAFS), Worldwide Association of Women Forensic Experts, and others.

Meetings and Conferences

Join us for the Second International Virtual Meeting in Animal Forensic Sciences (IVM-AFS) October 28-30, 2024.  For more information visit our meeting website.