Five Levels of Membership
Membership: The Association shall have voting and non-voting members, with such rights and privileges as are set forth herein. To be eligible for membership, individuals shall: (i) conform to the ideals and principles of the Association; (ii) submit a membership application; and (iii) pay the necessary membership fees as determined by the Board of Directors. Membership will be approved at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.
Affiliate Member:
Both at the time of application and at the time the application is being considered for approval, an applicant for Affiliate Member status is limited to persons who have not completed the educational requirements and/or the experience requirements for Associate or Full Member. All individuals interested in membership and meeting the above requirements shall apply for Affiliate Membership to the Board of Directors of the Association. An Affiliate Member who has been a member in good standing for two years or more and who has attended an approved ISAFS annual conference is eligible to apply for Associate Member status and this promotion will be based on service towards the field of animal forensic sciences. This type of membership does not have voting privileges. This application does not require the submission of any letters of recommendation.
Affiliate Member dues: $50.00 USD
Associate Member:
Both at the time of application and at the time the application is being considered for approval, any individual possessing a four-year degree (BA, BS) from an accredited college or university, or international equivalent, and an employee of an agency or organization involved in animal forensic sciences, animal welfare, animal-related investigations may directly apply for an Associate Membership. All individuals interested in membership and meeting the above requirements shall apply for Associate Membership to the Board of Directors of the Association. Any person who has maintained status as an Associate Member in good standing for five years or more and who has attended at least two ISAFS annual conferences must apply for Full Membership to the Board of Directors. Associate Members shall be voting members of the Association. This application does not require the submission of any letters of recommendation.
Associate Member dues: $75.00 USD
Full Member:
Both at the time of application and at the time the application is being considered for approval, any individual possessing a Ph.D. or Psy.D; EdD., M.D or D.O, J.D. or LLD, DDS, DMD, DVM or VMD, or international equivalent to any of the aforementioned degrees; or any individual with a Master’s degree (MS) and three years of experience directly applicable to animal forensic sciences, forensic science, or animal cruelty and neglect investigations may directly apply for a Full Member status. All individuals interested in membership and meeting the above requirements shall apply for Full Membership to the Board of Directors of the Association. Full Members shall be voting members of the Association. Full Members shall be voting members of the Association. This application does not require the submission of any letters of recommendation.
Full member dues: $100.00 USD
Emeritus Member:
Both at the time of application and at the time the application is being considered for approval, any Full Member who is retired or otherwise no longer employed in fields related to the investigation of animal crime may apply for Emeritus Membership. All individuals interested in membership and meeting the above requirements shall apply for Full Membership to the Board of Directors of the Association. Approval of Emeritus Membership status is at the discretion of the Board of Directors of the Association. This type of membership does not have voting privileges. This application requires the submission of a justification letter as to why this membership status is requested.
Emeritus Member dues: No annual charge.
Student Member: Both at the time of application and at the time the application is being considered for approval, an applicant for Student Member status must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program, or be enrolled as a trainee (resident, intern, or Fellow) at any accredited, degree-awarding college or university, approved residency program, or international equivalent. Student Member status may be maintained for the remainder of the calendar year within which graduation occurs. Student Members will be required to upgrade their membership to Affiliate, Associate, or Full Member status. Proof of enrollment in an undergraduate or graduate program or training program must be provided annually. Student Members shall be non-voting members of the Association.
Student Member dues: $25.00 USD
Membership fees are due January 1st of each year. Members who fail to pay their dues within the allotted time period will be considered to be not in good standing. Reinstatement of good standing requires submission of the full past membership dues and a late fee as stipulated by the Policies and Procedures Manual. Any member who does not pay dues for two (2) consecutive renewal cycles will be removed from the Association. Any member removed from the Association who wants to reinstate their membership must re-apply for membership.
Membership Dues:
Student: $25.00 USD
Affiliate: $50.00 USD
Associate: $75.00 USD
Full: $100.00 USD
Membership Benefits
- Free access to coffee talks (monthly short virtual presentations relevant to animal forensic investigations)
- Access to professional continuing education credit
- Access to the membership directory
- Networking and collaboration opportunities
- Organization newsletter
Membership Application
Apply online or mail
Membership Page
Member only resources